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Rose Baby Enterprises



The gospel musical stage play THE EMPTY BOX sheds light on the merging of two families with different perceptions, belief systems and levels of faith.


Paris was taught to see only what is directly in front of her.  Because she comes from a privileged family that gives her everything that she wants, she has not learned the power in prayer or faith.  She was comfortable with her life until she met the smart, kind and handsome Bryson Robbins.


Bryson’s story is different from Paris’ in that his family could not offer him financial wealth but rather taught him the importance of having a relationship with God.  Bryson’s struggles has made him a prayer warrior, a dreamer and allows him to see what others do not.

Watch as this couple along with their families try to bridge their different beliefs. 


It is possible, that the powerful experience of faith which normally binds people together, may actually tear these two families apart.


September 14th at 5:00pm

October 12th at 5:00pm

November 16th at 5:00pm

December 14th at 5:00pm

                        BEHIND CLOSED DOORS


When we first look at Samuel, Marcus and Derek they look so well put together!  Hair freshly cut, face shaven, shoes shined and clothes cleaned and pressed.  They look as though they have just stepped off of the cover of a fashion magazine.  They are intelligent, confident and smooth talkers that can woo you with just a smile.  From the outside they seem like they have everything all figured out, but if we could only see what goes on with them behind closed doors.


In the gospel stage play Behind Closed Doors, we will invade their privacy and take a look into the depth of their hearts as they deal with life’s challenges.  We will watch as they work on conquering their fears, insecurities and pain.  We will be witnesses as they each learn that in order to be a true king, he must first learn to be a servant and in order to be the head, he must first sit at the feet of Jesus!



Bruised BUT NOT Broken


During our theater production you will step into the lives of the Thomas sisters as they learn more about themselves and each other.  Watch as they unveil pieces of themselves…the pieces that they didn't want anyone to the see…the pieces of themselves that they were ashamed of and tried so desperately to hide. 


Bruised But Not Broken is about healing when you thought that you were too messed up, too damaged, too bruised to heal.  It's about getting up after you have fallen. It's about God's ability to take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it into good. 


Remember, bitter becomes sweet when you put it in the Master's hands.


i don't look like what i've been through


Renee’s life is in an uproar as she deals with her failing health and her lack of finances.  And to make matters worse she is also trying to help her cousin Octavia battle her own personal demons.


Although the enemy is fighting Renee she holds fast to Psalm 100:4 which instructs her to “enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise…”.  She is determined to praise her way through this storm knowing that her testimony will be “I don’t look like what I’ve been through.”



Double For Your Trouble is the modern day story of Job.  Most of us are familiar with the biblical story of Job which is documented in the book of Job.  Simply put, the enemy attacked every area of Job’s life, killing his sons and daughters, his servants, his cattle and then finally afflicting Job himself.  However through all of this Job’s faith and love for God never wavered.  Even though his heart was broken and his body was overcome with pain, Job believed and trusted that God would deliver him.


Most of us have gone through experiences that would have caused us to lose our mind if it had not been for the Lord on our side.  Ebony, our modern day Job, is under the attack of the enemy and has hit rock bottom.  She is well aware of the story of Job but will it be enough to carry her through her own personal heart break?


When tragedy hits, Ebony goes through a stream of emotions…denial, anger, depression, rebellion, etc. and then finds herself mentally, physically and emotionally drained.  Can God restore and mend Ebony’s broken heart?  Yes, He can!  But will she allow Him to?  


Double For Your Trouble is the story of God’s love for you and His ability to restore what the enemy has stolen from you… and give you double for your trouble.

ready or not here i come


READY OR NOT HERE I COME is a story about the choices that we make and the consequences of those choices.  We can easily say that this play is about the rapture, but its alot more to it.  It is more about what leads up to the rapture and what happens after the rapture.


Ms. Jenkins is the nosy neighbor who knows everything about everybody.  She takes the audience into the personal lives of four families and we witness as they either choose to accept or reject Christ.


As we all know, life is about choices...what do you do when God is leading you one way but your family and/or friends are pulling you in another direction?  A choice has to be made, let's just hope that they make the right one because the consequences are serious...Heaven or Hell!


This play will make you laugh, it will make you cry, but most importantly it will make you think!

There's music, singing, praise dancing and a couple of surprises.  This play will have you sitting at the edge of your seat filled with emotions!





YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE is a gospel stage play that you don't want to miss.  The actors are phenomenal, the singers are exceptional and the message of deliverance rings loud and clear!


Mother Taylor is back and funnier than ever!  Come and step into the private life of Grandma Taylor, her daughter Bettie and her three children...Victoria, Kevin and Tiasha. 


What happens when a mother raises her children in the church and as they grow up they struggle to find their own way?  Will they remember right from wrong?  Will a mother's prayer be enough to save her children?


This play will take you on an emotional roller, downs, smiles, tears but the ride ends with a priase!  All aboard!




I Don’t Look Like What I’ve Been Through is a testament to how God has the ability to keep us looking fresh and renewed even in the midst of our storms. 


Renee’s life is in an uproar as she deals with her failing health and her lack of finances.  She is fighting desperately to keep her eyes on Jesus and her spirits high.  This is not an easy task in as much as she is also trying to help her cousin Octavia battle her own personal demons.


Although the enemy is fighting Renee she holds fast to Psalm 100:4 which instructs her to “enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise…”.  She is determined to praise her way through this storm knowing that her testimony will be “I don’t look like what I’ve been through.”

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