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The Quiet Before The Blessing

Hello Family,

As I sit at home stranded by the overflow of the winter snow, I am reminded of the quiet that came before the snow. It is true that when most of us heard of the upcoming snow fall we took that quick trip to the supermarket to stock up on groceries; we went to the gas station to fill our cars with gas; we visited our local Home Depot or Lowes to purchase salt, shovels and snow blowers. We made sure that we were prepared.

While large amounts of snow can sometimes be an inconvenience, a lot of us welcome it because it gives us a free day off of work or a day out of school. This is a time when we can build memories with our family by having snowball fights, making snowmen, making snow angels with our children/grandchildren, or we can just relax.

So we have done all of our running around. We are safely home and have finished unpacking our purchases. Now there is a quietness that comes as we wait on what is about to happen. It seems as if time stands still as we are filled with anticipation. We have prepared for the snow, we have invested in it, we are expecting it, therefore it has to come. There is this period of quietness that takes place after we have fully prepared and right before our expected blessing.

Just like this is true naturally, this is also true spiritually.

We have prayed and asked God for certain things. We stood strong on Mark 11:24 which says "...What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." We know with all assurance that God is going to grant our request.

In 2017 we spent a great deal of time preparing for that blessing. We worked on ourselves (becoming better people); we worked on our relationship with God (getting to know Him better and submitting to His will); we worked on our talents (cultivating our God given gifts). We stepped outside of the box and tried new things, exposed ourselves to new ideas, and socialized with new people. We put much work into being prepared.

Now it is the quiet before the storm...that quiet time right before the flow of blessings. It is during this quiet time, after we have prepared, that God is the quietest and the devil is the loudest. He tries to convince us that we did all of that preparing for nothing. He tries to make us think that our mind was playing tricks on us when we heard the voice of God. He wants us to believe that our spirit is misleading us, that what we know to be our truth is not true at all. It is during this quiet time that doubt tries to infiltrate our minds and invade out hearts. BUT THE DEVIL IS A LIAR...WE WILL RESIST HIM...AND HE WILL FLEE! We know that this quiet time is an indication that we are right at the door of our blessing and we won't forfeit it by doubting, giving up or walking away!

God has allowed us to walk into 2018 and into our blessings and we have made a commitment to be fully present in that blessing.

Family, enjoy this year! Enjoy your blessings! Don't rush through this year but take it slow and savor every moment of it. Be present mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually with every blessing that God will give you this year. Be grateful.

In 2018 allow God to fill your cup so that it will overflow. What's in the cup is yours. What overflows from the cup is for you to share with those around you.

I love you guys!

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