The Pink Dress

Hello Family! Yesterday after church I decided to go dress shopping. I walked through the store looking at different dresses but nothing caught my eye. I continued to look when I saw a dress that seemed to scream my name. It was definitely calling me...Lisa! Lisa! Lisa! And I just had to answer the call. Lol. I loved the was classy, soft, stylish, feminine yet powerful. It was definitely a “feel good, look good” kind of dress! I became a bit absorbed as I searched for my size but couldn't find it. What, no 10?! I asked the sales associate for assistance but to no avail. I left the store, got into my car and sat in the parking lot while I searched for the dress online. I called every store that was listed until I found a store that had the dress in my size. The store was in Long Island, so I called ahead and asked them to hold the dress for me as I ventured into Long Island to pick up the dress. I got to the store only to find out that a size 10 was actually too big for me. Who knew? I was disappointed but I'm a big girl and do understand that I will not always get what I want. Life had taught me that lesson early on. This morning I thought about how passionately I went after that dress. I wondered how different my life would become when I went after God with that same passion, enthusiasm and longing. What would happen if I searched for Him daily through the scriptures and prayed earnestly to Him? What would happened if I included Him in every decision that I made and sought His guidance in all that I do? What wonderful experiences would I have if I consulted Him before getting into relationships and prior to making business decisions? That pink dress, as beautiful as it might be, will not make me more or less of a woman; it will not make me a better Christian; and whether I have the dress or not will not alter my life one bit. However, the presence of Jesus Christ in my life can me make all the difference in the world! Jesus can turn my tears into joy. He can comfort me when I am at my lowest point. He can change my life forever! With just one word from Him, everything that God has for me can manifest in the moment of seconds and the talents that lay dormant in me can be awaken so that I can reach my full potential. With just one touch from the Master, attacks on my body or pains in my heart will be healed. If God would be so kind as to just blow in my direction, my mind will become renewed and the creative juices can flow leading me into a life of prosperity…a life of wholeness. Seeking God wholeheartedly can cause me to live on purpose, fulfilling God’s divine will for my life. While I do like that pink dress, I LOVE the Lord and realize that He is the one that I should seek after day and night. Matthew 6:33 says, “But see ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Family, what I have learned is that everything that you will ever need or want is all wrapped up in God! Seek Him with your whole heart, your mind, your soul and your body and He will bless you! God is the source of EVERYTHING…health, finances, relationships, careers. Whatever you need, God’s got it!
I write this message to simple encourage you to seek after what is really important. Seek after God…the one who loves you, protects you, keeps you and provides for you.
Have a happy and blessed day knowing that there is not safer place to be than in the will of God!
Live on purpose!