It's Okay To Forgive And Forget

I have often heard people say , “I’ll forgive but I won’t forget” and to be honest I have been guilty of saying this myself. But the more that I pray, the less this saying makes sense to me. Are we truly forgiving if we don’t forget? If we keep reminding people of how they hurt us, did we truly forgive them? My answer is “NO”.
Remember our goal is to be more like think like Him...walk like what we think He would do. We proudly wear the WWJD (what would Jesus do) bracelet but refuse to totally submit to what He wants us to do.
True forgiveness is not easy but the reward is great! When you forgive and forget, you inhale the valuable lessons that you’ve learned from the experience, while exhaling all of the bitterness, hatred, and hurt that you don’t need. Now you are free to grow and become better. You have defeated the enemy and made God proud all at the same time.
So my brothers and sisters, please learn to forgive and forget. Let it go! It is not the will of God that you walk around carrying the poison of unforgiveness. God has some great things for you but you need a clean heart to get them. So do whatever you have to please LET IT GO!
My prayers and love are with you!
“I, even I, am he that blotteth out they transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins.” John 3:16