Stiff Necked
Good Morning Family, For the past couple of days I have been suffering with a stiff neck. For those of you who do not know what a stiff...

Hi Family! I find myself up extremely early this Sunday morning. I couldn't sleep. There is so much to pray for and so many to pray for...

Did I Just Fail That Test?! (SMH)
Hello Family, Life is school! We are learning from our mistakes every day. We are constantly growing, maturing and becoming our...

Bob The Builder
Hello Family, How many of you know who Bob the Builder is? Well, for those of you who do not know, Bob the Builder is a cartoon...

The Limp
I pray that this message finds you well! While exercising the other day, I think I may have overdone it. LOL. The music was pumping, I...

What Is In Your Hands?
Good Morning Family, This morning started off a little rushed for me because I overslept. It normally takes me a little under two hours...

The Potter's Wheel
Hello Family, How many times have you prayed and said, "Lord, you are the potter and I am the clay. Make me and mold me into what you...

A Cry For Help
Good Morning Family, This morning I am reminded of someone that I encountered some months ago and I want to share him with you. While...

God Loves You
Hello Family, While praying, seeking direction on what to say to you today, the spirit spoke ever so sweetly and said, "Tell them that I...

Shut Up!
Hello Family, Very rarely do I use the words "shut up". I was taught as a child that it is rude to tell someone to "shut up" and the...